This is an example of a positive STNR in flexion and extension.

Note: He was only asked to move his cervical spine into flexion and extension. He had 0% awareness that his spine was moving.

This young man was very high functioning with Dyslexia. He had constant right shoulder – cervical pain and mid thoracic pain rated as 6/10 (NPRS). He did not respond to a general strengthening program or a progressive resistance training program. He could not learn motor control exercises due to poor sensory motor awareness. His neurocognitive function was excellent.

He was pain free and back to normal function after 3 sessions of primitive reflex inhibition. His awareness of spinal movement improved to 70%. This was maintained at a 6/12 f/u/ This is unusual as it normally takes a little longer. This may be due to his high functioning and excellent neurocognitive function. He was also diverse in his athletic history.